Stop letting your anxiety control you.
Online Anxiety Counseling for
Young Adults, Postpartum
Depression and Anxiety
and LGBTQ+
in Minneapolis, Phoenix
and throughout MN & AZ
Overwhelmed by your never ending thoughts?
Maybe you are starting to notice that your anxiety is getting in the way of living your authentic life. You spend hours overthinking even the smallest, most insignificant things, which causes you to question your relationships with others. Instead, it’s much easier to just stay at home and isolate yourself. You can’t sleep because you are constantly thinking about all the things you didn’t get done or all the things you need to get done tomorrow.
You may feel like…
No one likes you for who you are.
Your every action is being scrutinized by others.
It’s difficult to make new friends.
You can’t concentrate or focus.
You can only think in terms of all or nothing, black or white, and right or wrong.
You are overthinking everything.
You constantly put others before yourself.
So overwhelmed you’re almost frozen in place.
Struggle with having a work/life balance.
You have tried everything but it’s just not helping the way you thought it would.
Break free from overthinking.
What is Anxiety?
Anxiety is typically seen as uncontrolled worry, feelings of constantly being on edge, trouble relaxing, and excessive worry over an ordinary and/or nonthreatening situation
Anxiety and stress is a normal part of everyones life. However, it becomes an issues when it starts to affect your ability to function on a daily basis.
What can Anxiety do to me?
Some common physical signs of anxiety include, restlessness, feelings of not being able to breath, shaking, racing heart/increase heart rate, difficulty falling asleep, muscle tension, fatigue, nausea, dizziness, and digestive problems.
Some common mental signs of anxiety include constant worry or racing thoughts, feelings of confusion, difficulty concentrating and getting distracted easily, automatically thinking about the worst case scenarios, and feeling like everyone is judging you.
How therapy for anxiety can benefit you…
Stop your overthinking
Change your negative thinking patterns
Build upon your current strengths
Learn coping skills you will use for life
Create healthy relationships
Take back control of your life
Silence your inner critic
Feel confident in social situations

Frequently asked questions about counseling for anxiety.
An anxiety therapist is always the best option, but I think I might be a little biased! If you can't see an anxiety therapist for whatever reason, try learning new coping skills
Here are some examples of coping skills:
• Talk with a friend
• Create a daily routine
• Take deep breaths
• Exercise
• Find a color in the area and name everything that color
• Relaxation techniques including guided muscle relaxation
• See a psychiatrist: Medications can be beneficial for many
• Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is one of the most common types of therapy used to treat anxiety by working on changing your thought cycle.
• Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) works to retrains your brain and gets to the core issue causing your anxiety.
• Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) helps to alleviate the overwhelming feels and emotions from anxiety.
• Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) adds mindfulness to CBT, you learn to identify the issues and stay in the present moment.
• Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
• Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
• Panic Disorder
• Social Phobia or Social Anxiety Disorder
• Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Anxiety can lead to constant negative thoughts about yourself, increased stress, chronic illness, and increased Isolation. Anxiety can also trigger your "flight or fight" response and decrease your ability to function on a daily basis including school, work or social situations.
The first step is always the most difficult step. Simply, click the link to schedule a consultation.