Going Through a Quarter Life Crisis? You Aren’t The Only One

When you were younger, you dreamed of growing up and landing your dream job. You may have even dreamt of finding your soulmate, getting engaged, married, and starting a family. Maybe you imagined yourself traveling the world, moving to a different state, or winning the bid on your dream home.

Fast forward to today, and you’re not really sure what went wrong. The dreams you dreamt up as a child now seem out of reach. Where you are now is not where you thought you’d be. You honestly thought you’d be in a different place, further along, and happier.

Are you going through a quarter-life crisis? You aren’t the only one. Let’s learn more about it!

What is a Quarter Life Crisis?

You’ve probably heard of the term “mid-life crisis” before. Well, a quarter-life crisis isn’t that far off from a mid-life crisis. While a mid-life crisis is usually a crisis that affects people in their 4os to 60s, a quarter-life is a crisis that can affect people in their 20s and 30s. Essentially, a quarter-life crisis is the stress, anxiety, and self-doubt that young adults can experience.

The Signs and Symptoms

A quarter-life crisis can look different for each person depending on their unique life experiences and set plans and goals. These are some of the most common signs and symptoms relating to a quarter-life crisis:

  • Difficulty making decisions

  • Disappointment

  • Fear of missing out

  • Identity crisis

  • Lack of meaning or purpose in life

  • Lack of motivation to make a change

  • Withdrawing or isolating

  • Worried you chose the wrong path in life

The Causes

A quarter-life crisis can be a common occurrence among many young adults. Typically, it can occur right out of college when individuals are graduating from college and starting their first job in the real world. This period of their life can come with a lot of changes and a surplus of added roles and responsibilities. This period can bring on a lot of different feelings and emotions. It can also bring on negative emotions like feeling stuck, uncertain, or questioning themselves and their life choices.

How to Cope

If you’re finding yourself struggling with a quarter-life crisis, you’re not alone. Thankfully, there are things you can do on your end to help you cope with a quarter-life crisis.

Take Time for Yourself

It can be hard to take time for yourself when you’re going through a quarter-life crisis, but it’s important, especially during challenging times, to do so. Take some time to meet your wants and needs. Start writing in a journal. Make a list of what you’re looking for, your values, and your beliefs. This small act can help you sort through the areas and items that are important to you.

Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

The comparison game can be easy to get wrapped up in. Try to avoid looking at family, friends, coworkers, and peers and comparing yourself to them. You’re only seeing highlights of their life and not the full picture. You don’t see their struggles just like they may not be seeing yours. Instead of comparing yourself to family or friends, try leaning on them for support during this time instead. They may be feeling the same way and may be able to provide more insight, and support, and help you feel a little less alone.

Seek Professional Help

If you still find yourself struggling with signs and symptoms of a quarter-life crisis, there’s nothing wrong with seeking out additional support. Working with a mental health professional can help you get your thoughts and emotions out in the open in a safe and non-judgmental environment. Reach out to today to set up a consultation for anxiety therapy.


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